Monday, June 04, 2012

Well, our move has officially begun.  It's a little strange to think that we are moving in such a short amout of time (less than a month after we got our orders!) after being here for 3 1/2 years, but such is the military life!  This past Saturday and Sunday we started packing up our office/laundry room, and today I started to take the wallpaper border down in little mans room.  Tomorrow we will paint it back to white and try to get some more packing done.  I also reserved our moving truck and car trailer, reserved our hotel room for the night we have to be out of our house, and then gave our housing community a copy of dear hubby's orders.  I'm getting more and more excited about moving to Quantico, but at the same time I'm sad that we will be leaving so many amazing friends here.  It's a small Marine Corps though, so we will all probably cross paths again soon. :) That's all for now.

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